Best Palomas

Pink Paloma: An Extravagant One

Pink Paloma: An Extravagant One
Our paloma pink cocktail
MADE WITH Olmeca Altos Plata Pink Paloma
AUTHOR Olmeca Barman
5 cl Tequila Olmeca Altos Plata
4.5 cl Soda 3 Cent / Pink Soda
1.5 cl Agave Syrup
10 cl grapefruit juice
2.5 cl lime juice
2 cl Aperol (optional)
1 pinch of salt

In a cocktail shaker, add 5 cl of Olmeca Altos Plata tequila, 1.5 cl of agave syrup, 10 cl of grapefruit juice, 2.5 cl of lime juice and 2 cl of Aperol (optional). Shake vigorously for about 30 seconds (or until ingredients are well combined). Spritz the mixture with 4.5 cl of 3 Cent Soda or pink soda. Strain into a cocktail glass filled with ice cubes and sprinkle a pinch of salt on top before serving.

With the holidays approaching, it’s time to start thinking about what you’re going to serve at the next one. This recipe from Paloma Rosa is an excellent choice for an informal gathering with friends. The pink adds a distinctive touch to this classic among tequila classics.

The Pink Paloma is a cocktail created in Mexico. It is made with tequila, grapefruit juice and lime juice. It is usually served with a pinch of salt and a slice of lime around the rim of the glass.

The history of this cocktail is not known exactly, although the most widely accepted is that it was created in 1860 by Javier Delgado, owner of La Capillita bar in the state of Jalisco. Javier was a great fan of syrups and mixing them, along with other flavors and tequila. In fact, this same gentleman is also linked to the creation of another well-known cocktail: the “Batanga”, which is made with Coca-Cola, tequila and lime juice.

You can find many different versions of this drink on menus throughout Mexico City, as well as in the United States, where it has become very popular over time due to its refreshing combination of flavors, especially in the states bordering Mexico, such as Texas.

Two Pink Paloma Drink made from Altos

Ingredients to Prepare the Pink Paloma Recipe

You’ll need this ingredients to make our Pink Paloma cocktail version:

  • 5 cl Tequila Olmeca Altos Plata
  • 4.5 cl Soda 3 Cent / Pink Soda
  • 1.5 cl Agave Syrup
  • 10 cl grapefruit juice
  • 2.5 cl lime juice
  • 2 cl Aperol (optional)
  • 1 pinch of salt

How to Make this Pink Paloma Drink

  1. In a cocktail shaker, add 5 cl of Olmeca Altos Plata tequila, 1.5 cl of agave syrup, 10 cl of grapefruit juice, 2.5 cl of lime juice and 2 cl of Aperol (optional).
  2. Shake vigorously for about 30 seconds (or until ingredients are well combined).
  3. Spritz the mixture with 4.5 cl of 3 Cent Soda or pink soda.
  4. Strain into a cocktail glass filled with ice cubes and sprinkle a pinch of salt on top before serving.

We recommend using a highball glass filled with ice cubes or crushed ice. This type of glass allows the citrus notes of the drink to be appreciated.

It can be garnished with a slice of lime or grapefruit, as well as sprinkled with salt on the top of the glass.

The pink paloma cocktail

Others Tequila Cocktails Similar to the Pink Paloma

If you like our Pink Paloma Cocktail, you may also enjoy other tequila-based cocktails. Here are some recipes that may be to your liking:

Olmeca Altos: 100% Agave Tequila

The Pink Paloma Recipe is a very simple cocktail, but the tequila you use can make a difference. We recommend using blanco tequila for this drink. Olmeca Altos Plata is made with 100% agave and has a clean, fresh taste that will complement the grapefruit juice and pink soda. If you don’t have blanco tequila on hand, opt for reposado tequila, both work well in this drink.

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