
Bandera Shot: The Tequila Banderita

Bandera Shot: The Tequila Banderita
three shots that made the bandera tequila shots
MADE WITH Olmeca Altos Plata Bandera Shot
OCCASION A house party
AUTHOR Olmeca Barman
45 ml lime juice
45 ml Altos Tequila Plata
45 ml sangrita or tomato juice!

If you're looking to spice up your night out with a little Mexican flair, look no further than the Bandera Shot. You will simply add a shot of lime juice, the next one of Tequila Plata and the last one of either Sangrita, previously prepared, or tomato juice. The order of the Bandera Shot will be the same as the Mexican flag, green, white and red.

If you’re a tequila drinker, chances are you’ve tried a Banderita Shot. But what exactly is it?

The Bandera Shot (or “Banderita Shot”) is a drink with three shots that when combined form the Mexican flag: three horizontal stripes, green, white and red. The upper stripe is green, the central one is white and the lower one is red.

Flag shots are a must for any real tequila drinker. If you haven’t tried it yet, learn how they are prepared.

Ingredients to Make the Banderita Shot

Actually, preparing this set of drinks is very simple. You will only need two ingredients and, on the other hand, to have a Sangrita Shot ready. Although if you don’t want to complicate it, you can complete the red color of the flag with tomato juice:

  • 45 ml lime juice
  • 45 ml Altos Tequila Plata
  • 45 ml sangrita or tomato juice!

The Altos version of the bandera tequila drink

How to Prepare the Tequila Bandera Shot

If you’re looking to spice up your night out with a little Mexican flair, look no further than the Bandera Shot. You will simply add a shot of lime juice, the next one of Tequila Plata and the last one of either Sangrita, previously prepared, or tomato juice. The order of the Bandera Shot will be the same as the Mexican flag, green, white and red.

If you want to see how our bartender prepares it, here you have the video with how we prepare in Altos these mythical Bandera Shots:

banderita tequila

If you want to know how to prepare the Sangrita Shot, we explain it in its corresponding recipe. Learn how to make it and complete the classic shot combination.

Sangrita is a Mexican cocktail made with tomato juice, orange juice and hot sauce. It is served alongside tequila shots as part of a traditional Mexican or Tex-Mex bar.

Have the Salt Prepared to Give It a Differential Flavor

Tequila shots, such as this banderita shot, are often taken with salt because it helps the drinker get a better taste of the tequila. The salt attracts moisture to the back of the mouth, which makes the tongue more sensitive to the taste of tequila.

In addition, the salt serves as an abrasive that helps remove some of the bitterness of the tequila. The lime adds a citrus flavor and also helps balance some of the bitterness of the drink.

shot banderita

When to Drink this Tequila Bandera

When it comes to celebrating Mexican Independence Day, the flag shot is a must.

This drink is so iconic that it is often taken as a symbol of how much you love Mexico and its rich history. It can be made with tequila or any other type of alcohol; however, it is traditionally made with tequila and served in shot glasses.

Olmeca Altos Plata: the Best Choice for Banderita Tequila

If you’re making the Bandera shot at home, there are two key ingredients: tequila and lime juice. The best choice for preparing the Bandera shot is Olmeca Altos Plata because it has a great mix of flavors and textures. The tequila is smooth, but not too sweet, and has just enough spiciness to bring out the flavor of the lime juice. The salt balances the sweetness and adds a nice texture to the drink, making it perfect to drink on its own or mixed with other ingredients.

In addition, like all Altos tequilas, it is made with 100% blue agave, which gives it a unique flavor that is impossible to replicate.