Best Margaritas

Green Apple Margarita: The Sour Mix

Green Apple Margarita: The Sour Mix
MADE WITH Olmeca Altos Plata Apple Margarita
OCCASION A wedding
AUTHOR Altos Bartender
45 ml / 1 ⅓ parts Altos Plata
120 ml / 4 parts Granny Smith apple juice
10 ml / ⅓ part agave or natural syrup
10 ml / ⅓ part lime juice

Mix all ingredients together in a shaker. Add all ingredients to a rock glass filled with ice. Garnish with a slice of Granny Smith apple.

This is an alternative to the usual margarita that incorporates the sweet and especially tart flavor of Granny Smith apple. This variant is one of the most acidic ones that can be found, providing a completely different flavor to our green apple margarita mix.

To prepare it, we won’t use apple sodas with artificial flavors or liquors, just pure apple juice. We want the cocktail to be as intense as possible, but with a balance between the ingredients.

Ingredients for the Apple Margarita

You will only need four ingredients to prepare this Granny Smith Margarita:

  • 45 ml / 1 ⅓ parts Altos Plata
  • 120 ml / 4 parts Granny Smith apple juice*
  • 10 ml / ⅓ part agave or natural syrup
  • 10 ml / ⅓ part lime juice

*To make the juice, throw a quartered Granny Smith apple and 1 cup of water in the blender. Grind until smooth and strain. Ready!

the sour apple margarita recipe

How to Prepare the Sour Apple Margarita

The steps to prepare this drink are so simple that they fit into three simple lines:

  1. Mix all ingredients together in a shaker.
  2. Add all ingredients to a rock glass filled with ice.
  3. Garnish with a slice of Granny Smith apple.

You can choose to buy apple juice instead of preparing it yourself, but it’s obvious that the flavor is of higher quality if we make it ourselves.

Calories of the Margarita with Apple Juice

For those who are conscious of not overindulging in calories, they can rest easy knowing that this apple cocktail has only 156 calories per serving. Here’s the breakdown:

  • Altos Plata: 97 calories
  • Granny Smith apple juice: 28 calories
  • Agave or natural syrup: 31 calories
  • Lime juice: 0 calories

sour apple margarita mix

Why Altos Tequila?

The choice of tequila is crucial in the preparation of any cocktail, but especially in intense drinks like this one with Granny Smith apple. That’s why Altos Plata tequila is ideal. Made 100% from blue agave from the Los Altos region in Jalisco, Mexico, Altos Plata has a smooth and complex flavor that sets it apart from other tequilas. Additionally, it’s produced responsibly and with high-quality ingredients, ensuring an exceptional experience with every sip. With Altos Plata, you can be sure that you’re using a quality tequila that will significantly enhance the flavor of your green apple margarita recipe.