Altos Cocktail Course

Introduction to Cocktail making – Altos Tequila Cocktail Course #1

In our cocktail course, you’ll learn how to make your own signature drinks in your own home. You’ll learn how to choose the right ingredients and tools, how to prepare the perfect drink, and how to make sure your guests love what they’re drinking.

Only $39 to be able to make the perfect drink for any occasion !


All our other Cocktail Courses

Bar tools are home tools – Altos Tequila Cocktail Course #2

Bar tools are home tools – Altos Tequila Cocktail Course #2

 In this module, we will be presenting the tools that are used in the cocktail course.

Ice is king – Altos Tequila Cocktail Course #3

Ice is king – Altos Tequila Cocktail Course #3

 Ice is the most important factor of a cocktail. Its role can be compared to that of a chef in a kitchen: it determines the flavor, texture, and appearance of your drink.

When in doubt, go citrus – Altos Tequila Cocktail Course #4

When in doubt, go citrus – Altos Tequila Cocktail Course #4

 The citrus fruit module is designed to give students a deeper understanding of the properties of citrus fruits and how they can be used in cocktails.

Something sweet, something good – Altos Tequila Cocktail Course #5

Something sweet, something good – Altos Tequila Cocktail Course #5

 Sweeteners are a big part of cocktail making and the better you handle the, the better your cocktails will be.

Tequila Cocktails – Altos Tequila Cocktail Course #6

Tequila Cocktails – Altos Tequila Cocktail Course #6

 Cocktails are always better with tequila if you ask us. Learn how a quality liquid can make a big difference in your drinks.

Cocktails for two – Altos Tequila Cocktail Course #7

Cocktails for two – Altos Tequila Cocktail Course #7

 Make drinks to share and that will quickly elevate your game, and of course, your reputation.

The Margarita – Altos Tequila Cocktail Course #8

The Margarita – Altos Tequila Cocktail Course #8

 The Margarita is the most asked drink in the world for a reason. It is also pretty easy to make. Learn how!

The Paloma – Altos Tequila Cocktail Course #9

The Paloma – Altos Tequila Cocktail Course #9

 The Paloma is the most famous cocktail in Mexico, for a reason. Learn all about it.

Good pairings – Altos Tequila Cocktail Course #10

Good pairings – Altos Tequila Cocktail Course #10

 Best way to pair a cocktail is food, and tequila has some awesome combinations. Learn how to surprise your guests beyond drinks.

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